About Us

  • Green yard Limited was founded from a chain of projects and contributions by its Director in various company under the environmental conservation sectors the company has contributed immensely in the renewable energy, conservation and construction sector in the Kenyan economy.


  • Our Mission is to remain trustworthy and relevant in spearheading the Kenyan infrastructural sector through quality services, diligence and incessant youthful energy.

Key Organizational Values

  • Ethics
    We at Green Yard Limited remain true to our founding values of providing quality,
    diligence and innovation instilled right from the outset by the company’s founder. We endeavor to
    adhere to the highest ethical standards in the industry. We are progressively being accepted by the
    construction industry as a trustworthy business by being consistently associated with integrity, high
    standards and quality of service and personal attention to clients.
  • Staff
    We recognize that our primary asset is our people, and that a truly successful company needs to be
    a rewarding work environment for its staff. Our organization is structured and managed to provide
    ample opportunity and encouragement for our team to reach their optimum potential. We believe
    that mutual respect forms the base of our success.
  • Safety
  • Safety is a responsibility of every employee. At Green Yard Limited we understand that
    accidents are prevented through cautious planning, appropriate training, and cooperative efforts in
    all areas of our operations. All our work is performed in the safest possible manner.The challenges
    and advancements faced by the construction industry are unique in terms of safety. When methods
    and techniques have improved in a manner that consistently increasing efficiency and productivity,
    the accident incidence for construction continues to be a concern, particularly as more and more
    complex structures are being built for human habitation. Effective preventative measures are there-
    fore always identified and implement at all our work sites.
  • Excellence
    Green Yard Limited has a tradition of high performance standards, founded on a commitment to performing construction within budget and according to specifications. The Company
    has established itself as one of the most highly regarded companies by continually improving the
    quality of its work product and opportunities that are available for our employees.The desire and
    commitment to improve on everything we do here is of the utmost importance to our company.
    This unwavering dedication towards progression is what broadens the focus of our business and
    allows our employees to thoroughly examine every aspect of their performance at

Through this process, we remain steadfast in our tradition to deliver superior performance, attention to
safety issues, satisfaction to our customers and fulfillment for our employees.